I am material engineer, specialist in glass, doing my master degree in TU Clausthal, and I will be finish by October 2019. I have double bachelor degree, from Ain shams university in Egypt and TU Clausthal in Germany. During my master study I specialist in non- metallic materials ( glass). My masters thesis was on fracture of chalcogenide glass using ball on ring bending test, which I did it in Fraunhofer IPT. Currently I am looking for job as glass engineer
Arabic, English, German
Living location:
Germany (Open for relocation)
Preferred job location:
Willingness to travel:
Job title:
Aug 2018 - Jun 2019
(0 yrs 10 mos)
Relaxing test of glass using ring on ring bending test
TU Clausthal
Master, Material engineer
2017 - Student
I am material engineer,specialist in glass. I have double bachelor degree from Ain shams university ( Egypt) and Tu clausthal ( Germany ). I am about to finish my master in Tu clausthal university.