I am a chemical and process Engineer and have two years experience of production as senior executive at PGP glass ceylon plc and worked with BDF & Bottero IS machines for glass bottles forming via PB & BB process. There after currently i am working as Assistant manager Furnace at PGP Glass ceylon PLC for three years. I am fully aware of furnace operation, color fore hearth operation (there are two color FH), furnace maintenance such as hot repairs , wall patching etc. Further i have done several R&D project black sand processing, color cullet usage for batching, alternative fritz usage for color development, Energy saving project etc. Further i have sound knowledge about glass batching process and RM inspection etc.
Living location:
Sri Lanka
Preferred job location:
Willingness to travel:
PGP Glass Ceylon PLC
Job title:
Assistant Manager/ Engineer
Dec 2018 - Present
(6 yrs 3 mos)
Furnace & color FH operation
University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka
BSC (Hons) Chemical and Process Engineering, Chemical and process
2014 - Student
Chemical and process engineer
Assistant manager Furnace