The history of our company began in 1892, when a merchant from Moscow Nikolai Samuylov built a glass plant on the shore of the Tsna River. Communication with Moscow and Saint Petersburg created favorable conditions for the successful operation of the production.
Glass plant of January 9 has more ...
Деятельностью АО "ГЛАНИТ" является производство широкого спектра высококачественной тары белого, зеленого и коричневого стекла для упаковки продукции пивной, ликероводочной и пищевой промышленности, продукты плодоовощной консервации, детское питание, кофе, кетчупы, растительное масло и т.д.
Dmitrov Glass Factory specializes in the production of BT-2 colorless glass packaging for food, alcoholic beverages and cognac products.
The main production facilities are located in a single complex with an area of over 10,000 square meters. The plant is equipped with two glass melting furnaces ...
Our company is one of the leading manufacturers of glass packaging made of brown glass in Russia. All enterprises in Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region place their trust in our brown bottle. Also, our glass packaging is popular in Moscow, Kirov, Samara, Yaroslavl and in many other region...
The glass factory Krasnoye Echo traces its history back to 1875. We have accumulated expertise and experience in glass making for more than a century of the company's background. Today Krasnoye Echo LLC is one of the leaders of the Russian glass container market in production of flint glass packagin...
The largest glass container production beyond the Ural Mountains is located in the glass complexes of the EKRAN industrial park.
OOO Siberian Glass (Siberian Glass, Limited Liability Company) is the anchor resident of the industrial park EKRAN. It specializes in the production of colorless and co...
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Факел» является одним из ведущих предприятий Приволжского федерального округа РФ по производству стеклянной тары от 0,18 до 1,0 литра. Освоен выпуск широкогорлой стеклотары с винтовым горлом типа «Твист – ОФ» (диаметром до 43 мм), бутылки из обесцвеченного с...
JSC "Salavatsteklo" is one of the largest Russian manufacturers of glass and glass products in Russia. The company started its activity in 1962 and still retains its best traditions and succession of generations.
At the moment, our company produces the following types of products:
- Flat glass...
Balakhninskoe steklo, JSC is a glass container manufacturing plant that produces and decorates the colorless glass containers for the alcoholic beverage, beer, perfume industries, producers of lemonades, mineral water, juices, pickles, sauces, vegetable oils and coffee.
Glass making is a technically complex process, the control of which requires substantial experience and knowledge. This industry requires continuous development and advancement to comply with the increasing requirements for quality, environmental sustainability, and diversity of glass container prod...
Saratovstroysteklo, JSC is one of the leaders of the national glass industry. For more than half a century the company supplies its products both to the Russian and International markets.
Joint Stock Company "RGC" – is a leader in the Industrial processing of Glass and production of insulating glass units in various sectors: Commercial glazing, Residential Glazing, Vehicle Glazing. JSC "RGC" - the partner company, which helps to implement the individual ideas of its customers, carry ...