ООО "Стекольный завод 9 Января"
The history of our company began in 1892, when a merchant from Moscow Nikolai Samuylov built a glass plant on the shore of the Tsna River. Communication with Moscow and Saint Petersburg created favorable conditions for the successful operation of the production. Glass plant of January 9 has more than 130 years of experience in engineering, development and manufacture of high-quality original glass containers. Throughout the history, the company's management has paid great attention to introduction and use of innovative technologies as well as to production modernization, which allows the plant to maintain the leading position in the glass industry. With the products of Glass plant January 9, our partners can compete in tough market conditions and stay recognized for a considerable time! THE QUALITY OF GLASS PLANT JANUARY 9 PRODUCTS AND THE ADVANTAGE OF COOPERATION WITH US IS HIGHLY APPRECIATED BY CONSUMERS IN RUSSIA AND ABROAD.