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Droigk Formenbau GmbH
MOULD SPECIALIST FOR THE GLASS INDUSTRY Droigk Formenbau has been manufacturing premium-quality moulds for the glass industry for more than 60 years. We are active throughout Europe and are committed to providing the high quality that “Made in Germa...
Published: April 14, 2021 Viewed: 3572 (+4) Total views (+ views today)
Droigk Formenbau GmbH
NECK RINGS - PURE PRECISION Our bronze or cast iron neck rings are pure precision, whether none-welded or partially or fully welded. This also applies to the heat- and wear-resistant alloys we use.   GUIDE PLATES - ALL-ROUND PERFECTION Our guide pl...
Published: April 14, 2021 Viewed: 2204 (+1) Total views (+ views today)
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Glass products
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