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Hotwork International
Damaged Regenerators may have been a cause for some to shut down Furnaces and perform cold repairs. With our special technology, we are able to cold repair damaged regenerators while the furnace can keep its production levels.   Regenerator Repair/...
Published: April 20, 2020 Viewed: 1749 (+0) Total views (+ views today)
Hotwork International
Blocked Regenerators are causing not only problems with production capacity but also reducing thermal efficiency of Furnaces and thus increase the cost per produced ton of glass. Cleaning the Regenerators can solve both problems.   MELT OUT OF BLOC...
Published: April 20, 2020 Viewed: 2199 (+0) Total views (+ views today)
Hotwork International
Liquid Glass has to be drained from a Furnace before major Repair can happen.   FURNACE DRAINING Furnace Draining with complete Water Recycling 600T of glass drained in 32 hours using a scraper and cooling tower with only 5Nm³/h fresh water. • ...
Published: April 20, 2020 Viewed: 2108 (+0) Total views (+ views today)
Hotwork International
Since 1962 Hotwork has provided Furnace Heat-Ups to the major glass manufacturer worldwide. Our special heat-up technology is based on the use of Hotwork International High Velocity Burners operating on an excess air basis, which have been especiall...
Published: January 27, 2020 Viewed: 2006 (+0) Total views (+ views today)
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