About Glass Open Book
Glass Open Book is the glass industry professional network and digital platform that unites people driven by a passion for glass and inspired by a promising future of sustainable glass production.

GOB is equally useful for the glass industry professionals involved in Production,
Engineering, Sales, Marketing, Purchasing, Training, HR, R&D, QA, IT, Business Development
and so many more, as well as for those who are looking for a job in the glass industry or want to
increase their professional competence in the field of glassmaking.
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People behind
It all started back in 2012 when two guys, Rajko Machold and Alexey Romankov met. At that time, Rajko was thinking of digitalizing the services that his recently founded company APEGG was offering to glass container manufacturers, while Alexey had just decided to leave the oil and gas sector and was seeking opportunities to create industrial solutions using digital technologies. Eventually their collaboration and creativity led to the development of well-known digital products for glass container manufacturers, such as GCFDA, DES and GOB Forming Simulator. A platform was needed to promote the new digital products. And so began the GOB story...
In 2016, the Glass Open Book digital platform was officially launched by HOLDRA Limited, which was founded by Rajko and Alexey specifically for the development and maintenance of the platform.
Under the Glass Open Book (GOB) brand, HOLDRA provides various digital and media services for the glass industry, promoting the excellence of glass as an environmentally friendly material, and creates socially significant and commercial multimedia content.
Our mission
Realizing the importance of the digital transformation, it is our mission to speed up the glass industry
digitalization and bring up the business communication to a whole new level.
We build a digital infrastructure for people operating in the glass industry to make their professional
workflow more productive and intuitive.
Our goal is to unite the power of many to ensure the prosperity of everyone within the glass industry.


Glass Open Book structure, search tools and a well-thought-out filter system allows glassmakers to quickly find everything that is necessary for glass production and processing.

Our services allow customers to contact suppliers without having to search for the company’s website or
sales office.
We provide the technology that helps the glass industry community connect and
communicate on Glass Open Book, keeping those connections safe and secure.